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Joe Hill Consulting & Engineering Corporation (JHCE) is building knowledge and expertise in water infrastructure to help address critical reliability and resiliency, and sustainability issues facing California


Joe Hill Consulting & Engineering Corporation (JHCE) is a growing Civil and Environmental Engineering firm that serves select Bay Area clients.  Founded in 2007 to address the needs of San Francisco’s $4.6 Billion Water System Improvement Program, we have developed a reputation for ‘operations friendly’ consulting, delivering sensible, sustainable solutions that fit the needs of system managers and operators.



Our mission is to develop and apply uniquely valuable knowledge and experience, to support key stakeholders in water resources and infrastructure, while enabling the success of our people.


JHCE is building knowledge and expertise in water infrastructure to help address critical water scarcity and reliability issues facing the American West. Our vision is to enable water managers to construct, operate, and maintain the water infrastructure needed to ensure water security for our region now and into the future.

The JHCE team produced an engineering planning report that was of the highest quality.  JHCE took the time to develop a solid relationship with the stakeholders and keep them engaged through a series of workshops which were invaluable in developing a clear scope.
Khine Oo, SFPUC Electrical Engineer
Moccasin Powerhouse Balance of the Plant System Upgrades Project
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